Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Asthma- A Holistic View
While the tendency to have asthma is oftentimes an inherited trait, the condition is usually related to persistent embedded viral infections. As with all conditions genetic or acquired, the key to health is making sure that the immune system can regulate itself and prevent infections from becoming imbedded and allergic reactions from occurring. An embedded infection is different from an acute infection. As the name suggests, an embedded infection means that the pathogen resides within the tissues of the body. The pathogen is enclosed into the matrix of the tissue, and it is usually sub-clinical (not detectible) until the encapsulated material grows into a mass that is detectible or has otherwise transformed the tissue affected into a morbid state. It is sort of in an "inactive state" due to the way non-specific immunity works to neutralize the infection, but it remains an "active" cause of disease and always rears its ugly head when an acute infection occurs.
The immune process that deals with embedded infections is different than the immune process that fights pathogenic attack from the outside environment. Ideally the "defensive" immune system (known as cell-mediated) should be able to effectively deal with pathogenic attack from the outside environment so that they don't "infect" and become embedded in the matrix of vital tissues. In order for infectious agents from the environment to cause great harm to the body, they first have to penetrate through the skin and protective lining of membranes. The immune system has a very sophisticated and complex security system in place at this level to keep the body from becoming contaminated - and it usually works.
Asthma is as much a nervous system disorder as it is an immune deficiency condition. They co-exist and one creates the other and vice versa. Once a person becomes asthmatic, the nervous system is so wired that just about anything and everything triggers an immune response - an asthma attack, wheezing, etc. The triggers include acute infections, food or environmental irritants (pollution, pollen, etc.), excessive emotions or physical activity that puts additional stress on the adrenal-corticosteroid mechanism. The "lung or bronchial disease" aspect is secondary - a consequence, you might say, of the immune deficiency condition. This is where inherited traits factor into the equation. In an asthmatic or wheezing attack, the inflammation of the air passages is an allergic response of the immune system responding to the trigger.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
FOCUS ON HEALTH: Holistic Medicines & Healing Modalities
Monday, February 23, 2009
Holistic healthcare is affordable medicine in terms of out-of-pocket expense as well as in terms of the value of being healthy, happy and full of energy all the time. Chinese herbal formulas and homeopathic remedies are similar in cost to over-the-counter conventional cold, allergy and pain medications. They cost substantially less than antibiotics and other prescription medications while delivering the same benefits and without the side effects of prescriptions medications. The value of being well instead of sick with acute infections and repeated illnesses is priceless. |
Homeopathy: The Miracle Medicine
Chinese Medicine: Immunology
Genetics and constitution provide the foundational layer for our physical existence. This hard-wired programming provides the biomechanical and behavioral template upon which the forces of life play out in each of our lives. As we interact with nature and the forces of life we develop patterns of disease that arise from our genetic and constitutional programming. A pattern of disease begins as a functional problem with few signs/symptoms of physical illness. As long as the vitality is strong and the immune system works properly, the body heals itself. Persistent conditions, recurring infections, pain and chronic fatigue -- these are all signs that the vitality is low, the borders are weak, and the housekeeper is unable to keep up with the non-specific immune function of keeping the body pure.
Good health requires a strong immune response to ALL diseases and disease processes. It is not possible to promote health and resist disease by driving diseases or other toxic materials into the body.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The KEY to REVERSING the DISEASE PROCESS......Good Digestion
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Good Health: Border Control + Good Housekeeping = A Strong Immune System.
Every life comes with a basic program and instructions for protecting and healing itself. Border Control is the unique life force at the border (in the skin and mucosal membranes) that protects the body from attack by external causes of disease (infections). The cell-mediated immune response (our Border Control) is the means by which the body protects itself from outside intruders. Good Housekeeping is the sophisticated programming and complex biomechanics that provides the means to eliminate the destructive forces of chronic and debilitating internal disease processes. The non-specific immune response (our Housekeeper) is the means by which the body reverses a disease process and heals itself. We are as immune from external causes of disease (infections) as we are strong at our borders. We are as immune from internal causes of disease (chronic inflammation, degeneration and emotional stress) as we are efficient at keeping the house clean and in working order. This is the third fundamental premise upon which holistic medicine is based.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What makes Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy "Good Medicine"?
What can I do to keep from getting an infection?
To prevent infection, nurture a body that is "resistant to disease". A strong immune system is the best insurance against any illness and all diseases.
To be and stay well you have to "have it" (VITALITY) and you have to "be able to use it" (RESIST INFECTION). The more you nurture this core strength, the stronger your protective borders and the healthier you will be.
Life-promoting nutritional Chinese herbs and homeopathic remedies taken in the absence of infection will build immune strength and promote vitality.
If the house you live in (YOUR BODY) is falling apart and cluttered with trash (TOXINS, LINGERING INFECTIONS, ACCUMULATED METABOLIC DEBRIS), you are more vulnerable to infections and you will remain sick longer.
Life-promoting nutritional Chinese herbs and homeopathic remedies stimulate the important housekeeping functions that keep toxic substances and metabolic by-products of disease from accumulating and causing future health problems.