Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The KEY to REVERSING the DISEASE PROCESS......Good Digestion

Good Health = Good Digestion.

Housekeeping (the detoxification process) is a digestive function. All substances consumed, absorbed, injected and accumulating in tissues must be properly "digested" and "transformed" from its substantive and noxious state. Any substance that is not nutritious for the body is toxic to the body. If not properly processed and eliminated, unusable and toxic materials will become trapped in the body and cause disease. The same organ systems and body functions that produce and manage the digestion of foods also provide the means and materials for the housekeeping tasks of the immune system. Poor digestion and elimination is an indication of weak immune function (and vice versa). When digestion is good, immune function is strong. To promote immune function, promote proper digestion. This is the fifth fundamental premise upon which holistic medicine is based.

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