Thursday, April 30, 2009

Homeopathy Successful in 1918 Flu Epidemic

Regarding the very recent outbreak of swine flu in parts of the world,experts say there is no way at this time to contain the spread of thisinfection due to the fact that the virus is unlike any of the flu virusesidentified in 2008 and 2009 and the current flu vaccines do not protectagainst this virus.

Little known fact: Homeopathy Successful in 1918 Epidemic. The mortalityrate of people treated with conventional medicine and drugs during the 1918Flu Epidemic was 28.2%. Those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of 1.05%.

Medical reports state that Homeopathy was 98% successful in treating cases during the 1918 epidemic. Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%. In Connecticut 6,602 cases were reported with 55 deaths, less than 1%. On a troop ship during WWI, 81 cases of flu on crossing to Europe were treated with homeopathic treatment and all recovered. The homeopathic remedies used at that time were Gelsemium and Bryonia. Both remedies are indicated for symptoms of colds &flu (fever, chills, dull headaches, aches, joint pains, nausea, exhaustion).

What can you do to protect yourself from infection and to treat the symptoms should you become infected? Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy provide excellent flu prevention tools that are also used to quickly relieve symptoms associated with any viral infection. Our Winter Tonic homeopathic nremedy consists of the nosodes of every flu virus and flu vaccine from 1918 to the present. The Winter Tonic remedy prepares the immune system for flu virus infections and also hastens the response time of the immune system's fighting power that is required when dealing with actual infection.

Winter Tonic is a very useful flu prevention and treatment remedy to have on hand. At this time it would be prudent to protect your family from possible swine flu infection by using Winter Tonic in the following ways:

4 pellets 1X per week - for prevention

4 pellets 1x per day - if you are concerned that you might be susceptible

4 pellets 4X per day - if you have been exposed and/or experience symptoms
of flu

Other remedies from E-Holistic Health that are useful to have on hand in the
event you experience symptoms of flu include:


Acute Rescue

Gan Mao Ling


These safe and effective cold and flu remedies are available at the on-line pharmacy of our E-Holistic Health website:

Yours in Health,

Toni Krehel, AP

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Prevention

Regarding the very recent outbreak of swine flu in parts of the world, experts say there is no way at this time to contain the spread of this infection due to the fact that the virus is unlike any of the flu viruses identified in 2008 and 2009 and the current flu vaccines do not protect against this virus.

What can you do to protect yourself from infection and to treat the symptoms should you become infected? The Winter Tonic homeopathic remedy is an excellent flu prevention tool that can also be used to quickly relieve symptoms associated with any viral infection. This remedy consists of the nosodes of every flu virus and flu vaccine from 1918 to the present. The Winter Tonic remedy prepares the immune system for any such infection and also improves the response time of the fighting power required when dealing with actual infection.

Winter Tonic is a very useful flu prevention and treatment remedy to have on hand. At this time it would be prudent to protect your family from possible swine flu infection by using Winter Tonic in the following ways:

4 pellets 1X per week – for prevention

4 pellets 1x per day – if you are concerned that you might be susceptible

4 pellets 4X per day – if you have been exposed and/or experience symptoms of flu

Other remedies that are useful to have on hand in the event you experience symptoms of flu include:


Acute Rescue

Gan Mao Ling


Winter Tonic and the other herbs and homeopathics mentioned above are safe for child and adults, and are available at the on-line pharmacy of our E-Holistic Health website:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Alternative to Surgery for Gallbladder Congestion and Stones

Surgery to remove the gallbladder is not the only option for resolving the symptoms of gallbladder congestion and/or stone formation. Unless the organ is so diseased that removal is necessary, it is better to nurse sick and dysfunctional organs back to health because all body parts are there “for a reason”. While modern medicine has decided that we can live without certain “disposable” body parts (such as gallbladders, appendix, tonsils, uterus), the truth is that these “removable” organs play very important roles in the non-specific immunity of the individual. I find that patients are ALWAYS at risk of developing serious immune disorders (including cancers) when they no longer have these vital organs (of course, it is better that these organs BE vital and not diseased).

Gallbladder removal DOES have side effects … a common side effect being pancreatitis … (also weight gain). The gallbladder and pancreas work together in non-specific immunity – when you lose the gallbladder, the work-load for the pancreas becomes greater – thus it become diseased, too. Pancreatic disease is VERY serious – a healthy pancreas keeps cancer cells away. The body is an amazing machine – many people CAN and do live without their gallbladders because -- as with all traumas and diseases -- the body is always adapting and “doing with” what it has in order to keep the life alive. However, “doing without” is not without health consequences … it is better to re-create a healthy functioning gallbladder than it is to remove it.

Gallbladder problems has more to do with underlying conditions such as poor digestion, persistent viral infection, toxicity in the gut, hyperplasia of the bile or pancreatic ducts or liver disease. It is always best to get a full evaluation of what the underlying conditions are, but it is also easy enough to improve digestion (including gallbladder function) with healing/correcting Chinese herbs. Improving digestion does not necessarily require a full examination or doctor’s prescription. EVERYONE can benefit from flushing the gallbladder, stimulating pancreatic function and cleansing the bowels … and chances are that most diseases would begin to heal if digestion were improved and those digestive organs (liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas) were made healthier.

To improve digestive function and resolve gallbladder congestion, I suggest the following protocol (2 and 3 are available on and 1 is available by calling (904) 821-9535) :

1. Pancreatrophin – this is a Standard Process glandular food supplement provides the pancreas with the special nutrition it needs to heal itself so that it can produce more pancreatic enzymes (so important in digestion and immunity).

2. Lidan Tablets – this is a classic Chinese herbal formula designed to dissolve congestion (including stones) in the gallbladder and hyperplasia of the bile duct.

3. Gastroquell – this is a modern Chinese herbal formula (based on a classic formula) designed to improve all aspects of the digestive function, and especially useful for gastric pain.

There are many good tools for treating gallbladder problems and it is possible that there are other underlying issues that should be addressed as well. This protocol has been very effective for many people who suffered from frequent gallbladder attacks.