Good Health: Border Control + Good Housekeeping = A Strong Immune System.
Every life comes with a basic program and instructions for protecting and healing itself. Border Control is the unique life force at the border (in the skin and mucosal membranes) that protects the body from attack by external causes of disease (infections). The cell-mediated immune response (our Border Control) is the means by which the body protects itself from outside intruders. Good Housekeeping is the sophisticated programming and complex biomechanics that provides the means to eliminate the destructive forces of chronic and debilitating internal disease processes. The non-specific immune response (our Housekeeper) is the means by which the body reverses a disease process and heals itself. We are as immune from external causes of disease (infections) as we are strong at our borders. We are as immune from internal causes of disease (chronic inflammation, degeneration and emotional stress) as we are efficient at keeping the house clean and in working order. This is the third fundamental premise upon which holistic medicine is based.
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